May Contest

power in the air ;)

Here we are again after a two month break. We gathered on Mt. Lisca on Friday afternoon at least to lift up the towers and antennas in the first day. In the beginning everything was fine, but later on threatening clouds got closer and rain started quite soon. Luckily it stopped as it started and we managed to do almost everything we planned to.

Saturday brought us a surprise on 70cm. QRO with GS35b broke down and we spent quite some time trying to repair it. After a while we gave up and took another one ;-) this one with GS31b...

S52W (Damjan) and S53F (Vinko) joined our team this contest. Couple of guys who definitely know how to handle a keyer or a mic.

Please click here for Friday photo gallery and here for Sat./Sun. photos... and return after the contest to check report and statistics.

GL&73s de S57C Contest Team

TwentyOneToo, S57C Contest Team 2012