June Contest

S52W & S57Q

IMG 8516 1200

2m & 70cm

Here we got the rain again...

Traveling back home from Germany to join the team on Mt. Lisca on Friday afternoon I was thinking just about how much rain did they got and how did they manage to lift up all the antennas...?!

Luckily they finished the hard work just before it started to pour. They must have been working very hard, because they were only four of the whole crew. S57C, S55M, S57Q and S57NAW to name them!

Well, June contest is normally the weakest of all the contests in the season, so we don't exaggerate with the equipment:

  • 2m band 2xM2 and 6x3
  • 70cm band 4x21
  • 1 to 10GHz standard setup...

Operators by band are S52W&S52CO on 2m, S57Q on 70cm, S57C in 1,2 and 3GHz, S55M on 5&10GHz.

At the beginning of the Contest...

Sh**, we are out of 5GHz and 3GHz again! The same story as it happened in March... but now we know what was the reason. It's weather radar which blew our RXs on 5 & 3GHz. Obviously some new filters will be needed... :(

After the contest...

Well, we are quite satisfied... :-) Thanks everybody for QSO...!

Please check here for our Contest report.

Photos are here...

GL&73s de S57C Contest Team

TwentyOneToo, S57C Contest Team 2012