Pre-season meeting

We met at Branko's vineyard house to decide whether we we start full season contesting or not... 

...and decision was taken - we go 2012 too :-)

It was not hard to do it. Table full of tastefully prepared food, excellent wine and chocolate cake with interesting inscription... Branko's fiftieth birthday! 


Playing with characters and numbers, Adi S55M, put together interesting callsign HI. Don't worry, we won't use it, please tune your rigs to S57C. We'll be there, somewhere, hopefully on all bands...

BCNU de S57C Contest Team


S57C Contest team is Branko S57C, Adi, S55M, Tone S57Q, Joze S57NAW, Jani S52CO, Bojan S51QA and occasionally also Bojan S57TW.

TwentyOneToo, S57C Contest Team 2012