September 2012

IMG 9722

Frm lft: Damjan S52W, Tone S57Q, Jani S52CO, Joze S57NAW, Branko S57C, Boris S54O


Well, summer heat turned into a mud and quite low temperature conditions. But, it didn't stopped us :-)

Boris S54O and Damjan S52W joined the team and everything went really nice. We almost broke our location record what is the reason to say that we done everything well. For better results on 2m band we think for quite some time about additional remote RX system. Below the top of the hill about hundred meters from the shack we located the spot for antenna and converter... We'll see if any will for improvements will remain for next season... ;-)

Like all other contesters we had a lot of troubles with E74EBL signal

This time Adi S55M and Bojan S51QA were missing. Adi was part of HB9EI team and Bojan was on vacation ...can you imagine that? Who goes on vacation at the contest time...? ;-) 

Tnx all for the QSO and CU in October.

Best 73s&GL de S57C Contest Team


1209 dxcc

Contest report: S57C from JN76PB at 144 MHz


Contest       : IARU VHF 2012

Date          : 1.9.2012/2.9.2012

Call          : S57C

UL            : JN76PB

Frequency     : 144 MHz

Category      : A

Location      : Lisca


QSOs          : 596

Valid QSOs    : 595

Sum of dist.  : 227.253 km

QRB/QSO       : 382

ODX           : LZ9X from KN22XS at 922 km


Antenna(s)    : 2x17 m2, 2x15 bv, 6x3 fya, 4x4ww

RX/TX         : Javirnik & FT1000MP/FT1000MP & ITB - 1500W


TwentyOneToo, S57C Contest Team 2012