October 2012

Nice contest, indeed. We put in the air two antenna systems for 432 MHz (2xI0JXX and 4xTONNA), for 1, 2 & 3GHz we used standard setup of 180cm dish with triple feed, on 5, 10 & 24 GHz standard setup as well... You can see all the stuff on our previous sites.

S57Q with a help of S52CO were 432 ops. They didn't take any nap during the night and it payed off. They scored over 100k points which is our best result from JN76PB so far.

S57C was on 1, 2 & 3GHz. S5 1st place on 3GHz and 2nd place on 1 & 2GHz by the preliminary results. Not bad, but still place for improvements - higher tower and splitting 1GHz from 2&3GHz system. We'll see, maybe next year :-)

S55M was 5, 10 & 24GHz op. Definitely not satisfied being "only" 2nd place on 5 & 10GHz and winning only 24GHz with a single QSO by the S5 preliminary results :-) It was pure tropo and without any appropriate cloud we were without the chance to win it. We discussed it how to be better... We have to to change the dish to one with bigger diameter and we have to put it higher of the ground to be over the top of surrounding trees!

Well, frankly said, one doesn't need to be rocket scientist to find out that bigger dish is better than smaller one... :-)

Yesss, October contest is finished, but one still to go. November Marconi and we all look forward to take part in it...!

Thanks everyone for the QSO and CU in Marconi!

Please take a look here for the photos!

Contest reports:

73s & GL de S57C Contest Team

IMG 0966 1200

From left: S57C, S55M, S57Q, S57NAW, S51QA (S52CO was missing)

TwentyOneToo, S57C Contest Team 2012