Marconi Memorial 2012

So, we have finished the TwentyOne Too... :-)

Marconi was great finale with a lot of surprises! Let's see why...

We would lie if we said we didn't expect to achieve good score. We put a lot of effort to be as good as possible. S55M managed to put together X Filter Box, very neat little device allowing us to listen with RX antenna system during our own transmitting...

Yes, we tried a long time wished idea, additional RX system. It was 3 element yagi, about 150 meters from our shack and about 30 meters lower than our main antennas. It worked fantastic! Actually it happened that we had more problems on main system from quite distant stations than with our full legal power on our RX system. We were able quite easy to copy 500 or even 600km long QSOs during our own transmitting periods. Awesome, indeed!

The last surprise was low activity :( Everything was prepared to beat our last year's score, but (there is always some kind of "but")  we simply didn't find more participants to make a QSO with... 

Anyway, we are satisfied being S5 #1. We said it already, Marconi was a great finale for our contest season.

Thanks everyone for all the QSOs and hope to hear you in one of following contest seasons.

Best 73s and GL to you all!!!

S57C Contest Team

P.S.: Please scroll bellow for contest report, click here for our photo gallery and see more action in our "Marconi video clip"...

Marconi 2012 Contest report

TwentyOneToo, S57C Contest Team 2012