Alpe Adria VHF 2012

IMG 8958

It was one man contest, category "B" - CW only. 

During the contest there was a Paragliding festival, so awfully a lot of paragliders (some of them are hams too!) everywhere :-) 

Well, contest was fine, I didn't have any problems. Scroll down for contest report. Please click here to see a few photos...

Thanks everyone for the QSO and CU in September VHF...!

Best 73s de Branko, S57C

1208 dxcc


Contest       : ALPE ADRIA VHF CONTEST 2012

Date          : 5.8.2012/5.8.2012

Call          : S57C

UL            : JN76PB

Frequency     : 144 MHz

Category      : B

Location      : Lisca


QSOs          : 171

Valid QSOs    : 171

Sum of dist.  : 56.196 km

QRB/QSO       : 329

ODX           : LZ7J from KN22GS at 821 km


Antenna(s)    : 2X17 M2 + 6X3FYA +4X4WW

RX/TX         : JAVORNIK II & FT100MP/FT100MP & JAVORNIK II & ITB - 1500W


TwentyOneToo, S57C Contest Team 2012