Alpe Adria U/SHF 2012

Like AA was quite short contest like we were a small group this time... ;-)

We decided to take part in 6m contest too. 6el. yagi and additional station for 6m wasn't a problem. S57NAW voluntarily checked in for being an op...

We did some preparations for July Contest with lifting up fixed 4x4 antenna system in direction East. So, for July Contest we plan to do 2m band with three antenna system (2x5WL MYC, fix 4x3 and fix 4x4).

Let's go back to AA... 70cm we did with 1 antenna only. Conditions were quite good and despite having a single antenna the result was surprisingly good!

For 5GHz band we used zero IF station (S53MV design) and we did a few QSOs with couple of hundreds of milliwatts... 

Please check below for contest report by band...

And don't forget to take a look to the photos which can be seen here...

Thanks everyone for the contact and CU in July Ctest!

Cheers de S57C Contest Team

TwentyOneToo, S57C Contest Team 2012