NDB site
( Non directional Beacon )
inclusive AERO NDB transmiter , TIME signal , NAVTEX station and other NDB
from Joze Konda (S52AB)

This is result my hear during May 12. 2006 to 15.April 2017
1943 Aero NDB transmiters in 92 Countries,States and Provinces (include XOE, XUE, XOF...),
26 TIME signals,
38 NAVTEX station , etc...
56 HAM beacon
119 other beacon
393 Aero NDB in day time - from 09 to 13 UTC
Sum total: 2155 beacon (aero NDB, time, ham, navtex, other)
Majority signals is registred in Graph, Sound or both
ADVICE: Sound to listen with good headphone...!


Equipment :
DVB-T/RTL2832 Dongle modification; LPFilter and Preselector
W&G-SPM 60 (to 906 NDB), RFT-EKD 500 - above 906...RFT EKD 300, FRG 7000
ANT: Wire lying on the ground, K9AY lops, modif. EWE, Mini Whip(PA0RDT)h. made
Audio filter 8 Hz (PA0LQ - modif. PA0RDT and S51G), double notch filter (S51G)
Software: ARGO 134 , Spectran V2 SpectrumLab and NAVTEX decoder ; HDSDR